The Payments screen enables you to manage and monitor your payments on Teyuto. In this section, you can:
- Connect your Stripe account with Teyuto to collect payments. Refer to our documentation on Stripe integration.
- Import tax rate list from Stripe. To know about tax rates, refer to Stripe’s Tax Rate guide.
- Monitor statistics (including income, subscriptions, cancellations, gift cards, and abandoned carts) for a particular duration. Refer to our guide titled “Monitoring Payments and Subscriptions” to know more.
- Obtain granular details such as which user ordered (or abandoned) which item (and when) for optimization and retargeting.
Using the promotions section, you can generate coupons and gift cards for your paid packages.
Coupons and gift cards work the usual way. For the uninitiated, a coupon is a code that provides a discount or special offer on a paid package. On the other hand, a gift card enables your audience to gift your subscriptions, rentals, or transactional videos to their loved ones.
To learn how to generate coupons, refer to our guide “Generating Coupons” here.
To learn how to generate gift cards, refer to our guide “Generating Gift Cards” here.