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A webhook is a method for two applications to communicate automatically over the Internet. When a specific event occurs in one application, a notification (payload) is sent to the predefined URL of the other application, enabling real-time updates and integration between systems.

TypeWebhook Event Description
user_createdUser created
user_sessionUser session
user_loginUser login
user_daily_sessionUser daily session
user_editedUser edited
content_searchedContent searched
collection_searchedCollection searched
video_searchedVideo searched
user_deleteUser deleted
category_viewedCategory viewed
tag_viewedTag viewed
collection_favoriteCollection favorited
collection_viewedCollection viewed
video_playedVideo played
video_stoppedVideo stopped
video_completedVideo completed
video_favoriteVideo favorited
abandoned_cartAbandoned cart
collection_shareCollection shared
subscription_createdSubscription created
payment_createdPayment created
subscription_canceledSubscription canceled
video_encoding_endedVideo encoding ended
live_startedLive stream started
live_endedLive stream ended
video_createdVideo created
video_editedVideo edited
video_deletedVideo deleted