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Teyuto Analytics Overview

Teyuto provides powerful analytics capabilities to help you understand how your content is performing and how users are engaging with it. This overview will introduce you to Teyuto's analytics features, covering both the API-based approach and the player SDK integration for real-time tracking.

Analytics Approaches

Teyuto offers two main approaches to accessing and collecting analytics data:

  1. REST API: For retrieving aggregated analytics data and generating reports.
  2. Player SDKs: For real-time tracking of user interactions and playback events directly from the video player.


The Teyuto Analytics API allows you to retrieve detailed analytics data for:

  • Users
  • Videos
  • Collections

You can use these endpoints to generate reports, analyze trends, and make data-driven decisions about your content strategy.

For detailed information on using the API, refer to the following guides:

Player SDKs

Teyuto provides SDKs for various platforms to enable real-time analytics tracking directly from the video player. These SDKs allow you to capture detailed user interactions and playback events as they happen.

Available SDKs:

  1. Web SDK: For tracking analytics in web-based players.
  2. Flutter SDK: For cross-platform mobile app development.
  3. Android SDK: Native SDK for Android applications.
  4. React Native SDK: For React Native mobile applications.

Each SDK provides methods to track events such as:

  • Play/pause actions
  • Seeking
  • Quality changes
  • Fullscreen toggles
  • Custom events

For implementation details, refer to the specific SDK documentation:

Types of Analytics Data

Teyuto analytics cover a wide range of metrics, including but not limited to:

  • View counts
  • Watch time
  • Engagement rates
  • User demographics
  • Device and platform information
  • Geographic distribution
  • Custom events

When to Use API vs SDK

  • Use the API when:

    • You need aggregated data for reporting
    • You're building dashboards or analytics tools
    • You want to perform historical analysis
  • Use the SDKs when:

    • You need real-time tracking of user interactions
    • You want to capture detailed playback events
    • You're implementing custom analytics in your player

Getting Started

  1. API Integration:

    • Obtain your API credentials from the Teyuto dashboard
    • Review the API documentation for the endpoints you need
    • Implement API calls in your backend or analytics service
  2. SDK Integration:

    • Choose the appropriate SDK for your platform
    • Follow the installation instructions in the SDK documentation
    • Implement event tracking in your player

By leveraging both the API and SDK capabilities, you can gain comprehensive insights into your content performance and user behavior, enabling you to optimize your video strategy and improve user experience.