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Video Analytics Guide for Teyuto API

This guide explains how to retrieve analytics data for videos using the Teyuto API.


All requests to the Teyuto API require authentication. Include your API token in the Authorization header:

Authorization: YOUR_API_TOKEN


1. Get Generic Video Analytics

Retrieve general analytics data for videos.

Endpoint: GET /analytics/videos


  • start_date (required): Start date for the analytics period (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
  • end_date (required): End date for the analytics period (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
  • tag_id (optional): Get analytics for a specific tag

Example Request:

GET 12:45:00&end_date=2023-10-11 12:45:00&tag_id=4565
Accept: application/json
Authorization: YOUR_API_TOKEN

Example Response:

"status": "success",
"views": [
"total": "10000",
"realtime": "500"
"sessions": [
"total": "8000",
"average": "300"
"interactions": [
"total": "1500",
"comments": "1000",
"live_chat": "500"

2. Get Analytics for a Specific Video

Retrieve analytics data for a particular video.

Endpoint: GET /analytics/videos/{video_id}


  • video_id (required): The ID of the video

Example Request:

Accept: application/json
Authorization: YOUR_API_TOKEN

Example Response:

"status": "success",
"views": [
"total": "5000",
"realtime": "200"
"sessions": [
"total": "4000",
"average": "150"
"interactions": [
"total": "750",
"comments": "500",
"live_chat": "250"

Interpreting the Results

  • views: Total views and real-time views
  • sessions: Total sessions and average session duration
  • interactions: Total interactions, including comments and live chat messages

These analytics provide insights into video performance, audience engagement, and content popularity.