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Teyuto Flutter Player Analytics SDK


If you are using the Teyuto Player, you do not need to integrate this SDK. Analytics tracking is already built into the Teyuto Player.

A Flutter package for integrating video playback analytics with the Teyuto platform, specifically designed to work with Flutter's official video_player package.


  • Seamless integration with Flutter's video_player package
  • Automatic reporting of playback progress in Teyuto
  • Easy-to-use API for Flutter developers
  • Support for both authenticated and unauthenticated usage


This package requires the video_player package. Make sure to add it to your pubspec.yaml:

video_player: ^2.7.2


Add teyuto_player_analytics to your pubspec.yaml:

teyuto_player_analytics: ^1.0.0

Run flutter pub get to install the package.


Here's a basic example of how to use the Teyuto Player Analytics package:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:video_player/video_player.dart';
import 'package:teyuto_player_analytics/teyuto_player_analytics.dart';

class VideoPlayerScreen extends StatefulWidget {
_VideoPlayerScreenState createState() => _VideoPlayerScreenState();

class _VideoPlayerScreenState extends State<VideoPlayerScreen> {
late VideoPlayerController _controller;
late TeyutoPlayerAnalyticsAdapter _analytics;

void initState() {
_controller ='')
..initialize().then((_) {
setState(() {});

// Initialize with a token (for authenticated use)
_analytics = TeyutoPlayerAnalyticsAdapter('channel_public', 'user_auth_token');

// Or initialize without a token (for unauthenticated use)
// _analytics = TeyutoPlayerAnalyticsAdapter('your_channel_id', null);

_analytics.init(_controller, 'video_id');

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return VideoPlayer(_controller);

void dispose() {

Important Notes

  • The channel parameter is required and represents your Teyuto channel identifier.
  • The token parameter is optional and represents the token of the user you want to track. This allows you to associate the viewing analytics with a specific user in your system.
  • If you don't provide a token, the analytics will still be tracked, but without user-specific information.


If analytics data isn't appearing:

  1. Check console for errors.
  2. Verify that you've provided a valid channel identifier.
  3. If using user tracking, verify the user token.
  4. Ensure the video ID is correct.
  5. Verify that player events (play, pause, ended) are triggering correctly.