Integrating Auth0
Creating an account on Auth0
- Go to the Auth0 website and create an account if you don't already have one.
Creating an application on Auth0
- After logging in to Auth0, go to your dashboard and create a new application.
- Choose the type of application: "Regular Web Application".
- After creating the application, go to the "Settings" section of the application.
- First of all, you will need to get the Channel Token from the Settings / Integrations / Teyuto API section.
- Configure application settings, including callback URLs and logout URLs, by following these instructions:
Configure the parameters like this:
- Application Login URI:
- Allowed Callback URLs:
YOUR_CHANNEL_TOKEN is the parameter previously retrieved from the Settings / Integrations / Teyuto API section. - Allowed Logout URLs:
- Make sure that "Allow Cross-Origin Authentication” is enabled.
- Application Login URI:
Migrate Teyuto users to Auth0 progressively
If you have an active platform, it will be essential to follow these steps to allow your current users to be able to access through Auth0. Be very careful; if you do not take this step, your current users will not be able to access the platform.
To set up the Teyuto to Auth0 user migration integration, follow these steps:
- Access the “Authentication” section in Auth0, then proceed with “+ Create DB Connection”.
- Insert "teyuto-db” as the Database Name, and then click “Create”.
- Once the database has been created, from the “Settings” section, enable the “Import Users to Auth0”.
- Next, go to the “Custom Database” and enable the “Use my own database”.
Still in the Custom Database section, scroll down to the "Database Action Scripts”.
For "Login", insert the code below in this way, being careful to change the parameter
with your parameter recently found from the Settings / Integrations / Teyuto API section. Insert the Channel Token parameter into "YOUR_CHANNEL_TOKEN".
function login(email, password, callback) {
const channelToken = "YOUR_CHANNEL_TOKEN";
const request = require('request');
const jsonStringified = `email=${email}&password=${password}&twofa_required=false&is_external=true`;
url: '' + jsonStringified,
headers: {
'channel': channelToken
// For more options check:
}, function(err, response, body) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (response.statusCode === 401) return callback();
const user = JSON.parse(body);
callback(null, {
email: email,
- Then save; you should get a similar result:
- For "Get User", you will have to find "Auth Token" of Teyuto from your dashboard (it is the private token). Then go to the Settings / Integrations / Teyuto API section.
- Now go back to Auth0 in the “Database Action Scripts” screen for “Get User”, and insert the Auth Token parameter into "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN".
function loginByEmail(email, callback) {
const request = require('request');
const authToken = "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN";
url: '' + email,
headers: {
'Authorization': authToken
function (err, response, body) {
if (err) return callback(null);
if (response.statusCode === 404) return callback(null);
const user = JSON.parse(body);
const userObj = user.users[0];
callback(null, {
nickname: userObj.username,
- Then save; you should get a similar result:
Add integration in Teyuto
- Access the Settings section and then Integrations.
- Then search for "Auth0".
- Click on Connect.
- From the Settings section of your Auth0 application, find the information to be entered into Teyuto.
- On the Teyuto integration screen, click on Connect.