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Google Tag Manager events

To connect Google Tag Manager, you can follow this guide.

Configuring Google Tag Manager Variables

After establishing the connection, Teyuto will automatically forward customized user-related events to Google Tag Manager. These events will be formatted as follows:

'event': "nameEvent",
'content_name': "...",
'value': ...

In your Google Tag Manager dashboard:

  • go to 'Variables' and go to the 'User-defined variables' area
  • Select "New"
  • Enter one of the variables below in the "Name" field at the top left of the screen
  • Select "Variable Configuration
  • Click on "Custom Event" in the list of variables
  • Save

Types of events available:

ViewContentThe user has visited a content of the platform between collections and videos
PurchaseThis event is launched every time the user completes a transaction, whether it is the first time or renewals.
LeadThe user has completed the channel registration process correctly
InitiateCheckoutThe user lands in the cart and has selected the product to buy, but hasn't purchased yet