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Disable or Enable Comments on On-Demand Videos

Comments are by default enabled for on-demand videos on Teyuto. However, sometimes your comment section may draw unwanted attention.

To tackle unruly members or users with additional privileges, we have several measures including verified user logins, user privileges, member blacklisting, and geoblocking.

However, you can also disable comments altogether. To disable (or enable) comments on your on-demand videos, follow these quick and easy guide.

  • Click on the Settings Option

First, click on the “Settings” option in the left menu bar.

  • Scroll Down to “Functionality for the User”

Scroll down to the section titled “Functionality for the User”.

  • Toggle the “Enable Comments on On-Demand Video” button

Now, just toggle the “Enable Comment on On-Demand Video” option as per your need. The image below displays settings with comments enabled. Toggling the button on its left will disable the comments.

[Note: Disabling comments will remove the comments for all existing videos.]

  • Scroll Down and Press Save

Once done, scroll down and press the “Save” button.