Setup Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
As a service provider, you must update your terms and conditions and privacy policy based on the countries and individual jurisdictions where you offer your services.
Some countries make it imperative to have a T&C and a privacy policy. A few examples include the U.S. (CCPA, COPPA, Telecommunications Act, etc.), European Union (GDPR), Canada (PIPEDA), and Brazil (LGPD) to name a few.
These legal documents help outline the rights and responsibilities of both the service provider and the users, as well as establish guidelines for the use of the service and the protection of user data. You must consult with your legal counsel to jot them down.
Once you do, follow these quick and easy steps to setup your terms and conditions and privacy policy at Teyuto.
- Click on the Settings Option
First, click on the “Settings” option in the left menu bar.
- Scroll Down to “Legal Information”
Press on the text input field under the “Legal Information” section.
- Enter the Respective URLs
Enter the address of the external websites where you’ve uploaded your respective documents.
- Scroll Down and Press Save
Now, just scroll down and press the “Save” button.