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Show Related Videos to Your Users

What better way to engage your current and prospective customers than by showing related videos?

Related videos are based on multiple factors including categories, packages, collections, current user’s watch history, and historic viewing journeys on your channel. So, with related videos, you can not only enhance your user engagement (and hence, stickiness) but also create unique cross-sell and up-sell opportunities.

To show related videos, follow this quick and easy guide.

  • Click on the Settings Option

First, click on the “Settings” option in the left menu bar.

  • Scroll Down to “Functionality for the User”

Scroll down to the section titled “Functionality for the User”.

  • Toggle the “Enable Related Videos” button

Now, just toggle the “Enable Related Videos” option.

  • Scroll Down and Press Save

Once done, scroll down and press the “Save” button.